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Browse massage therapists in your area and pick one who suits you with the help of My Health Assistant. Whether you’re looking for a way to reduce stress, relieve pain, or rehabilitate after an injury, a massage therapist can help to improve your wellness with a tailored treatment. Find a professional who suits you and book an appointment today.

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What you need to know about massage therapy


Massage therapists work with clients, using touch and pressure to manipulate the soft-tissue muscles of their body. They can be used for both therapeutic and casual purposes – with their treatments helping to improve circulation, reduce pain, and relieve stress. 

Massages, although seen as a luxury by some, have been used in healing for thousands of years, and they can be integrated as part of a broader therapeutic or medical programme to good effect. Using techniques like stroking, kneading, rocking, tapping, and holding, a massage therapist can achieve a range of benefits and nurture relaxation.

There are a variety of different styles of massage that are often used by massage therapists, with some specialising in one or the other, including Swedish massage, hot stone massage, deep tissue massage, sports massage, and Thai massage. Some treatments will be localised to a certain affected area, such as the neck, shoulders, or legs, while others will cover the full body.

When you first visit a massage therapist, they’ll typically begin the session by asking questions about your general health, if you have any specific issues, and what symptoms you’re keen to relieve. They can then decide on a treatment style, before getting to work.

Whatever it is you want from a massage, your first step is to find the right massage therapist. Browse professionals near you with My Health Assistant and book an appointment through our platform today to get started.