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Find a visiting care worker in your area with the help of My Health Assistant. Whether for yourself or a family member, home care visits are a way to maintain independence at home while also getting the support that’s needed, from personal care to companionship. Search nearby professionals with us and book one that suits through our platform.

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Everything you need to know about visiting care


Visiting care is a way of getting the medical, practical, or personal support you or a loved one needs without having to relocate to a care home. It involves a care worker, often highly experienced and qualified, making regular home visits to provide care and assistance wherever it’s needed, and is a flexible service that can be tailored to exactly your needs.

It’s a suitable service for anyone who requires care or support at home, from people with mobility issues to the elderly. Helping with anything from housekeeping to cooking, administering medication to providing companionship, a visiting care worker is there to help you maintain as much of your independence at home as possible. 

The regularity of your home care visits is also up to you, with some people requiring daily visits and others making do with as little as an hour a week. Visiting care workers can be specialists, too, so if you’re looking for a home care visit service for someone with dementia or Parkinson’s, for example, you’ll be able to find a professional who’s qualified in that area.

When you’re looking for a home care visit service or visiting care worker, it’s important that you find someone who is not only suitably qualified and experienced but also a good fit from a personality perspective. Depending on the regularity and length of the home care visits needed, the care worker will become a significant part of you or your loved one’s life, and it’s important that you can trust them and feel comfortable in their presence.

If you’re in the process of searching for a visiting care provider, search for the perfect professional near you with My Health Assistant and book directly through our platform!